Friday, January 9, 2009

Pete's Party

Dear Pete Party Fans,

It is my turn to plan this fun event! I hope every one is planning on coming and bringing friends! Gramma Pete couldn’t resist a fun party, so we are planning a big one so that she will be there – in spirit, of course!

I tried to get Whiting’s Park up Maple Canyon this year, but it is already reserved! I asked how much it would be if we did it the week before or after and it would be $610.00. (Cough, Sputter!) It sure has changed in the last 20 years! So, to save money (not really much time) we have reserved Bennion. (She loved it there, too)

Because of the travel involved, we have reserved Bennion July 17th – 19th, Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday morning. All the camping fees are paid for! (That’s better than $600.00 – cough, sputter!) You are welcome to come ALL of the time or just some of the time. The festivities and GOOD meals will be planned for Saturday.

We will be resurrecting every one’s favorite activities; Pinochle, Horse Shoes, Shooting Range, Volleyball, Kick Ball, Camp Fires, Jam Sessions, and of course
I even have a GROOVY Denim Camp Blanket for the raffle!

Please plan on attending and participating in this great tradition! Notice, it’s called “Pete’s Party” not just a “Family Reunion”, so feel free to bring anyone who would like to be considered family!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How I wish I still lived in Utah and could go to Pete's Party! It will be fabulous, especially since you are in charge!